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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-09-18 0
The standards for using safety warning tapes mainly include the following aspects:
1.质料选择:警示带通常使用高强度、耐磨损、防水、耐侵蚀的质料制成 ,如聚酯纤维、尼龙等。同时 ,质料应切合相关的阻燃、耐候性能等要求。
1. Material selection: Safety warning tapes are usually made of high-strength, wear-resistant, waterproof, and corrosion-resistant materials, such as polyester fiber, nylon, etc. At the same time, the material should comply with relevant requirements for flame retardancy, weather resistance, etc.
2.颜色标识:警示带的颜色应凭证特定的提醒寄义举行选择。差别的颜色代表差别的警示意义 ,如黄色体现警示、橙色体现危险、红色体现榨取等。应凭证现实需求选取响应的颜色。
2. Color identification: The color of the safety warning tape should be selected based on the specific meaning of the safety reminder. Different colors represent different warning meanings, such as yellow indicating warning, orange indicating danger, and red indicating prohibition. Corresponding colors should be selected according to actual needs.
3.宽度和长度:警示带的宽度和长度需要凭证详细的使用场景和要求来确定。一样平常情形下 ,宽度通常为5~10厘米之间 ,长度可以凭证需要裁剪。
3. Width and length: The width and length of safety warning tapes need to be determined based on specific usage scenarios and requirements. In general, the width is usually between 5-10 centimeters, and the length can be tailored according to needs.
4.标识文字和图案:警示带上可以印刷文字、图案等提醒信息 ,以提醒人们注重。文字和图案应清晰可见、易于明确 ,并且耐久性好 ,不易褪色。
4. Identification text and patterns: Safety warning tapes can be printed with safety warning information such as text and patterns to remind people to pay attention to safety. The text and patterns should be clearly visible, easy to understand, and have good durability and are not easily faded.
5.粘协力:警示带的背面通常涂覆有胶粘剂 ,以利便牢靠和黏贴。胶粘剂应具有优异的粘协力 ,能够在差别的外貌上牢靠粘贴 ,同时也要思量到易撕裂和易剥离的特征。
5. Adhesion: The back of the safety warning tape is usually coated with adhesive to facilitate fixation and adhesion. The adhesive should have good adhesion and be able to firmly adhere to different surfaces, while also considering the characteristics of easy tearing and peeling.
通过以上标准 ,警示带可以更好地施展警示和提醒作用 ,为人们的生产和生涯带来更高的性。
Through the above standards, safety warning tapes can better serve as warnings and reminders, bringing higher safety to people's production and life.

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